Archive Mode. Call Creature Feature: Animals in Art ended on 7/26/21, 11:59 PM. Call settings are read only. See Current Open Calls


Native, CREATURES Submission
Moving from California to Florida in 2019, I was so intrigued by all the new flora and fauna to see. The green anole was one of the first creatures to catch my eye. It was so colorful and animated and the red dewlap from its chin amazed me. I created this oil painting to highlight the fact that what may seem ordinary and commonplace, really is extraordinary when seen with new eyes. This native lizard is coupled with the golden dew drop, a native plant, and the backdrop patteren is from the Seminole Indians.

CREATURES Submission    28 x 22 x 1    $500.00    1   

What is the MEDIUM of the piece? (ie: acrylic, watercolor, mixed media, clay sculpture, etc.)
Oil on canvas