Archive Mode. Call Creature Feature: Animals in Art ended on 7/26/21, 11:59 PM. Call settings are read only. See Current Open Calls

The Eye of Nesting and Emergence

The Eye of Nesting and Emergence, CREATURES Submission
The Eye of Nesting and Emergence
Endangered: a population decline of at least 70% and the cause is known.
This piece is about the endangered sea turtles and our impact on their species. The different shades of green represent four of the six endangered species of sea turtle. The use of blues and browns build their habitat and the human eye to help tell their story.
We watch the female turtle come ashore to begin nesting. We are excited to see such an example of nature, a critical part of their life cycle. This is only one of the many steps of population recovery for these sea turtles. Then, hatchlings emerging from their shells ready to embark on the adventure of a lifetime. Only one in 10,000 will survive to adulthood. This small part of their life is also a big deal for them, full of dangers from the environment, humans, nature, animals. I don't have an ending for this story. That, I am leaving in your hands...
We are the key in the population decline of this species. We are also the key to the survival and the recovery of the population for the endangered sea turtle.

CREATURES Submission    20 x 20    $150.00    2   

What is the MEDIUM of the piece? (ie: acrylic, watercolor, mixed media, clay sculpture, etc.)
Mixed media